
Wednesday, August 03, 2005

The American Internet

The internet was originally devised by the American military during the early days of the Cold War with the Soviet Union.

So fearful were the Americans that the Russians might take out their communications systems with missiles, they designed a network of computers linking the various military bases throughout the Land of the Free. That way if they bombed one base, it would not cause a total disruption between other bases on the, then, single chain of computers.

The internet remained a complete mystery to most people, and was not user-friendly in the slightest.

Then came Microsoft with Windows 95 and that all changed forever. The internet became very user friendly, aside from the persistent bugs in the Operating System.

The internet is a true modern day feat of engineering and skill. Many regard it as the new wonder of the world.

I too believe it to be the 'potential' saviour that could dismantle the divide between the class system. If computers are cheap and available to all families in the poorest areas of our towns and countryside, then that is the best form of fair education there is. The internet is, to me, like having the Great Library in my own house. I can read about and access information on anything I like, communicate with people from all around the world, for next to nothing in financial terms. I have made friends with people on every continent on this planet thanks to the internet.

This technology does, however, have its downside. There is the increase in the amount of paedophiles been created since the web started. Due to its 'user friendly' nature, it is too easy to stumble across, for example, bestiality!!
Now, if you are reading this, and you get off on dogs shagging women, then that's your prerogative, but quite frankly you should not pollute my Pc, or my email address with your shit! I do not believe in adult censorship, but I do believe in DISCRETION! Now fuck off and take your 20" horses cock with you!!!!!

There is another sinister side to the internet, and that is something that perhaps you might not know....

The internet is currently controlled by 13 main computers.

These computers are collectively known as DOMAIN NAME SERVERS (DNS), and are based in various locations around the world.

These 13 computers answer to one, singular, super computer known as the ROOT SERVER.

The Root Server is located and owned by, yes you guessed it.......AMERICA! (home of the brave! ~salute~)

The UN are currently trying to ensure that the future of the internet is no longer controlled by America, and wishes to break their hegemony.

It is possible for America to completely wipe whole countries off of the internet. They make important decisions regarding web addresses, and are heavily involved in monitoring the publics affairs via email, sms, pm's etc. I will not go into this topic further as most of it was discussed in a previous post on Menwith Hill (check out the ARCHIVES).

This server controls the whole internet and America has the Final say on any United decisions made on domain names like, .biz, .org, .tv, and the new, .mobi, for mobile phone websites.

By allowing America to have ultimate control and power, we are ALL becoming their slaves!

They are masters of manipulation and after decades of research, what with MKULTRA and various other mind control, and societal control experiments, they KNOW how to manipulate society and they are doing it right now!

The internet is a World Wide Web, not America Online (sorry AOL).

I support Jacques Chirac. I believe he has the ability to lead the 'opposition' against the fight against AMERICA. Trust me when I say, America will not 'roll over'. They will not give up anything without a fight. They have officially asserted their authority and have stated, on the record, that they are to continue being the worlds controllers, or words to that effect.

When will America realise, there is only ONE world controller, and that is Mother Nature herself. She is the only one that will still be around when mankind has eradicated itself.

Peace and Love in Mother Nature's World!!


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