
Thursday, January 29, 2009

Cannabis: Back to where we started!

As most of you readers are aware, the law on cannabis has just changed, to increase the drug classification system based on harm reduction, social, physical and mental harm.(more on this later)

Anyone who has tried amphetamine knows that it is extremely powerful in large doses, it causes psychosis, full blown psychosis, not to mention the risk of heart problems, speed should be Class A, poor mans cocaine, and that is class A.

Amphetamine is a class B drug, the same as Cannabis now is. The problem being raised, highlighted, excused is that cannabis causes mental health problems, this indicates mental damage therefore increasings its classification back to class B.

ALCOHOL, now heres the thing. How many studies, how much research, how many labs experiments, autopsy reports etc are needed before it is classified as an illegal drug.
It fits all the criteria; it is socially damaging, it is responsible for most violence on the streets and domestic violence. It is physically damaging to the liver, pancreas, heart and can significantly damage neurons in your brain. It too can be life threatening, as you can have seizures if abruptly stopped, or risks of accidents increase ten fold. It is classified as a POISON.

The time has come for there to be justification for the classification of drugs. The graph above indicates that alcohol is more dangerous than ecstasy, solvents, LSD, and GHB! The guidelines and the law is out dated and incorrect, and the reason cannabis has been reclassified is for political reasons, and NOT based on the amount of harm caused to the individual and society at large.

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