
Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Watch This Space!

I am now living on borrowed time.

Y0u guessed it, I went too far.......

Whoever said that there was such a thing as Freedom of Speech!?

The world always wants a failure, the world always relishes pain
We only sell newspapers that portray BAD news, cos good news doesnt sell!

Well we also love to sensationalise issues we dont understand, great taboos remain.

Orwellian nightmares they never cease, I can sense the thought police seeking to undermine all that we have created to be independent sentient beings capable of self direction, moralistic intution, and greater awareness of self, generally. But no, the reality is that we are completely, and utterly controlled, whatever kind of self determination you have, you have either been carefully, and meticulously devised for you as an individual, or thrust upon you by a totalitarian regime, disguised as a beauratic democratic unified parlimentarian government.

The laws of our land are outdated, small minded, facist, imperialistic, and fickle!

We create laws out of fear and the unknown. I see a society that is afraid of change, afraid to diversify, despite huge amounts of evidence to suggest OUR ways are WRONG
We punish those that are in the wrong place at the wrong time, given the wrong sentence for a crime that is wrong for the wrong reasons.

We throw caution to the wind, when caution is a sign for us to BE CAREFUL

We fly in the face of all those who have accomplished so much, whilst bolstering the lives of those who have never really tried, pushed themselves, or been motivated to be a better person, cos why the hell should they, when we congratulate the uneducated, poverty stricken, breed - for - benefits, type people, and you know they exist!

Spying on all of our lives, and following the trend of statistics, believing what is fearful, and denying all of our rights, to seek as we choose, rise up or lose, dont even celebrate my fate.

I am the modern day Nostradamus, afraid of the oppressive regime, the hidden controllers of a nightmarish modern day disaster WE call Modern Living, i only write in code.

Genesis, exodus, leviticus, numbers, deutoronomy, joshua, judges, ruth, chronicles, ezra, nehemiah, esther, job, psalms, proverbs, eclesiasis, song of songs, isaah, jeremiah, lamintations...


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